Hot Cast Bronze

The ancient process of casting bronze is a technique admired by Rose. These casting methods date back thousands of years and are often used to create works of art, especially sculptures. 

There are a variety of methods used to cast bronze works, including the lost wax and the sand-casting methods. Both methods are meticulously hand-crafted to ensure longevity, with some bronze pieces over 5,000 years old remaining today. 

The lost wax process involves pouring molten bronze into a wax filled mould. The hot bronze fills the cavity and replaces the melting wax as it drains away. Sand-casting is crafted in a similar manner, the difference being that the sand allows for a greater surface texture.

For her exhibition for the London Design Festival in 2018, Rose presented a small four-legged stool in bronze using the lost wax process. A three-legged stool followed shortly after this, using the same method.

The stool's success and Rose's admiration for this traditional technique influenced other Rose Uniacke Editions; notably the Hoof Console Table and Hoof Coffee Table, both cast in bronze.

In 2023, Rose launched the Spun Lamp using the traditional sand-casting process. The lamp is patinated by hand and available in bronze and dark bronze.

All pieces mentioned above have been carefully hand-crafted in the UK. 

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