Environmental Impact

We Are Prime.

At Rose Uniacke, we take our responsibility to the environment very seriously. To strive to make a genuine difference, we have pledged our support to Prime - a collective of responsible businesses, who share a commitment to making continuous improvements to meet the needs of the present, by generating valuable, positive and sustainable impacts on the environment and the communities they serve.

We have pledged to support and adher to the PRIME Principles for sustainable business set out below.

Those Principles are:

1) Being Environmentally Better

2) Embracing Sustainable Innovation

3) Spreading the Word

4) Delivering Impact

5) Making a Difference and

6) Being Accountable.

Every year we will be scored on our performance under each principle against set crieteria.

Find out more about the PRIME Principles and how they can help you achieve a sustainable business at https://weareprime.org



Rose Uniacke is working in partnership with GreenTheUK and the Royal Forestry Society (RFS) to plant new climate resilient trees across UK woodlands. This project focuses on excellence in woodland management, working with foresters and aborists to ensure we are planting for the future with knowledge being shared from one generation to another.

Planting for the future means nurturing skills that will protect woodlands from pests, diseases and improve resilience to climate change. 41% of England’s woodlands are unmanaged or under-managed, which poses threats to the health and sustainability of woodlands. Rose Uniacke is helping to support tree planting rooted in knowledge of UK woodlands, looked after by experts.

The Committee on Climate Change recommends woodland cover is increased to a minimum of 17% by 2050, requiring 30,000 to 50,000 hectares a year of woodland creation. This will store carbon, increase biodiversity, flood control and create a low-carbon route to increassing the resilience of the rural economy.

This planting season, 2023-24, the UK has seen 11 named storms, according to the met office highlighting the need to act each planting season to protect and restore UK woodlands.

In 2024, Rose Uniacke has supported the planting of 7,200 climate resilient trees in the UK to help take climate action. So far, Rose Uniacke has supported the planting of a total of 21,600 trees, in various locations across the UK.

To find out more please click here


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